"COBOL, Just in Time!" Course
Course Purpose:
The purpose of the course is to train someone with little or no familiarity with programming (or someone who is familiar with programming, but in another language), how to write and modify business programs in the COBOL programming language. It is designed to be done at the office, or at home.
The Study Guide
The purpose of the study guide is to walk the student through all the steps to take when studying the course. In general it follows the lessons in the book "Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 Days", but contains a lot of helpful tips, some key additional information, and several things that will help you get through the course more quickly. The guide is intended to act as a "professor" on paper. It is particularly critical in the first part of the course where many concepts are being introduced quickly.
Materials Provided With the Course:
The "COBOL, Just in Time!" Study Guide
The book "Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 Days"
The diskette and pamphlet of Study aids labeled 
"Source code for Teach Yourself COBOL in 21 Days"
The Computer Glossary
The diskette and booklet of Study Aids labeled EZ-COMP
The COBOL "Cook Book"
The book "How Computers Work"
Two blank 3.5" disks and labels
An envelope of Printer Spacing Sheets
A flow charting template
The Micro Focus Personal COBOL Compiler - book and two diskettes
Course Curriculum:
Lesson 1 - Setting up study time and space
Lesson 2 - Introduction to the "COBOL, Just in Time! Course"
Lesson 3 - An Introduction to Computers and Programming
Lesson 4 - Starting MS-DOS
Lesson 5 - Backing up the COBOL Compiler
Lesson 6 - Installing the COBOL Compiler
Lesson 7 - Restarting the Computer & Testing the installations
Lesson 8 - Creating a Working Environment
Lesson 9 - Learning Your Editor - Creating and Saving Files
Lesson 10 - Editing - Finding Your Way around the Key Board
Lesson 11 - Compiling and Running Programs
Lesson 12 - Your First Program
Lesson 13 - Installing the Source Code Diskette
Lesson 14 - Using Variables and Constants
Lesson 15 - A First Look At Structured COBOL
Lesson 16 - Using EZ-COMPARE
Lesson 17 - Decision Making
Lesson 18 - Using PERFORM, GO TO & IF to Control Programs
Lesson 19 - Using Data and COBOL Operators
Lesson 20 - Basics of Design
Lesson 21- Review of Materials Studied
Lesson 22 - Structured Data
Lesson 23 - FILE Processing
Lesson 24 - Printing
Lesson 25 - Indexed File Processing
Lesson 26 - More on Indexed Files
Lesson 27 - The Editor Revisited
Lesson 28 - Deleting Records and Other Indexed File Operations
Lesson 29 - A Review of Indexed Files
Lesson 30 - Second Review
Lesson 31 - Data Integrity
Lesson 32 - Using Look Up and Arrays
Lesson 33 - Alternate Keys
Lesson 34 - Calling Other Programs
Lesson 35 - Complex Data Entry Problems
Lesson 36 - More Complex Data Entry
Lesson 37 - Selecting, Sorting and Reporting
Lesson 38 - Third Review
Lesson 39 - Control Breaks

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