history and command line editing
Save keystrokes with a
few simple commands
One of the great things about Unix is the amount of time you
can save by learning just a few simple commands. This month
we'll talk about history -- not the lofty academic pursuit,
but Unix's ability to reuse commands that have already been
entered. We'll also offer a few basic tips you can use to move
around more quickly in your editor, whether it be vi, emacs,
or gmacs. (2,100 words)
One of the great features of the C shell
and the Korn shell is history. The ability to recall and reuse
commands that you have entered earlier can save many keystrokes
of repetitive typing. History and command line editing are
closely related. You may use command line editing to edit the
command that you are currently working on after you have typed
it in, or you may recall a previous command and then edit it.
In this article, I will show you some of the ins and outs of
history and command line editing in the Korn shell. For history
to work, you need to be in the Korn shell, so begin by typing:
to launch a Korn shell.
The second thing you need to make history work is an easy way
to access it. History is more than just the ability to recall
previous commands; it lets you recall commands and edit them
before they are executed. The Korn shell allows you to use
different editing styles depending on what you're trying to do.
The primary editors are vi, emacs, and gmacs. I recommend vi, as
most people are familiar with it. History and command line
editing behave very differently depending on whether you are
using vi, emacs, or gmacs. I will cover some of these
To set vi up as your history editor type:
set -o vi
If you are going to continue to use history, you will want to
include this in your profile, or the emacs/gmacs equivalents.
These set -o commands only work in the Korn shell:
set -o emacs
set -o gmacs
Assuming that you have set -o vi as your history
editor, you may now access history. Press the escape key once
(esc) and release it and press k. The last command that you
typed will appear on the screen:
$ set -o vi
Press enter and that command will be executed. Try a few more
commands so that you can accumulate some history. End with ls
-l on the current directory. Now press esc and k. The ls
-l command appears once more. Press k again and the
command just prior to ls -l will appear. Each time
you press k you'll go back one more command in your history. The
minus key ( - ) works in exactly the same way. I use the minus
key because it's easier for me to remember. Eventually, if you
press k or minus enough times, you'll end up back at the set
-o vi command.
Now press j or the plus key < + > and you will move
forward in the command history. (When you are rapidly running
back through history looking for the command you need, and you
realize you've passed it, it's good to know how to move forward
If you have set -o emacs or gmacs ,
the keys are control-p for previous command and control-n for
next command. In vi you hit esc once and then k or n will move
you backward or forward through the commands. For emacs and
gmacs, use control-p or control-n each time.
To view more of your history, type "history", and a
list of your most recent commands will be displayed along with
numbers. If you see the number of a command that you need,
recall it by hitting the esc key, typing the number of the
command as displayed by history, and then typing an upper case
G. This will place the command with that number on the command
Once you have located the command that you want, you can
press enter to execute the command, but you can also edit the
command before executing it.
Moving around in vi
There are several vi commands for moving around the command line
and editing the line. I will only cover a few here. For further
information consult the manual on ksh. If you are familiar with
vi you will recognize the commands. The vi editor operates in
two main modes. In command mode single keys move the cursor,
delete characters and perform other actions. In input mode
single keys are actually typed into the command line.
Command Editing -- Cursor Movement in
command mode for vi
l (el) Move the cursor forward one character
h Move the cursor back one character
w Move the cursor forward one word
b Move the cursor back one word
fc Find character c in the line
0 (zero) Cursor to the start of the line
$ Cursor to the end of the line
l, h, w, f and b can be preceded by a number, thus 2b moves
the cursor back two words, and 3fx finds the third occurrence of
x in the line. In emacs and gmacs mode, cursor movement is
Command Editing -- Cursor Movement in
CONTROL-F Move the cursor forward one character
CONTROL-B Move the cursor back one character
ESCAPE then f Move the cursor forward one word
ESCAPE then b Move the cursor back one word
CONTROL-A Cursor to the start of the line
CONTROL-E Cursor to the end of the line
The editing of a command line is not limited to history. You
can also edit a command line that you are currently typing in.
For example type the following, but do not press enter:
ls -l
You should be sitting with the cursor at the end of the
command line. If you have set -o vi then hit the
esc key to exit input mode and enter command mode. Now you can
type h a few times and the cursor will move backward through the
command line. If you have set -o emacs , there is no
need to press esc, just start by typing control-b a few times,
and the cursor will move backwards.
Now we have the cursor where we want it, but how do you
actually edit the command? There are several editing options,
and again I am going to describe just some of the more useful
Command Editing -- Editing keys in
command mode for vi
x Delete the character over the cursor. Can be preceded by a count
X Delete the character behind the cursor. Can be preceded by a count
~ (tilde) Change case of the character over the cursor. Can be preceded by a
u Undo the last change to the line
U Undo all changes to the line
a Enter input mode and begin inserting after the current character
A Enter input mode and begin inserting at the end of the line
i Enter input mode and begin inserting before the current character
I Enter input mode and begin inserting at the beginning of the line
You enter input mode by pressing a, A, i or I. To exit to
command mode, press the esc key.
You may also press enter at any time, and the command as it
appears on the command line will be executed.
In emacs and gmacs mode, you are always in input mode and
normal characters that are typed appear in the command line.
Editing commands are given as control + key or as esc + key
("key" is a variable).
Command Editing -- Editing keys for
CONTROL-D Delete the character over the cursor
ESCAPE then d Delete the current word
CONTROL-C~ Capitalize current character
ESCAPE then l Convert current character to lower case
In emacs and gmacs mode, you may also press enter at any
time, and the command, as it appears on the command line, will
be executed.
Remember that command line editing applies to the current
command that you are typing, or any other command that you have
recovered from your history.
Fun with file name completion
The last piece of command line editing that I want to cover is
file name completion. This is usually used in current command
lines but of course it can also be used when editing a command
retrieved from history.
Assume a directory and file structure as follows and you are
currently in the abc directory.
(dir) topdir
| | |
(dir) abc def ghi
(files) data.txt john.ltr news.doc
old.txt john.txt weather.doc
Type the following but do not press enter:
ls -l d
Now hit esc and then the backslash ( \ ). This causes the
command line editor to attempt to locate a file (or directory)
that can be used to complete the name that has been started. The
search finds data.txt and that is typed in on the
command line:
ls -l data.txt
The cursor is left after the txt of data.txt
ready for you to type anything else that is needed to complete
your command line.
This also works for directories. Assume, for example, that
you are in the abc directory and need to edit news.doc
in the ghi directory. You have the option to go to that
directory and begin editing, or simply issue a vi command to
edit directly from where you are:
cd ../ghi
vi news.doc
vi ../ghi/news.doc
If you try the following sequence you will see the ( \ ) at
work completing the names for you. First type enough of the
command to identify the directory:
vi ../g
Now type esc followed by ( \ ) and the directory name is
completed for you:
vi ../ghi/
Now type enough to uniquely identify the file by adding an n:
vi ../ghi/n
Press esc followed by ( \ ) and the file name is completed
for you:
vi ../ghi/news.doc
This feature is especially useful for long directory and file
names and will save you much typing.
If two or more files match what you have typed so far, the
file completion option will complete as much of the file as it
can and then wait for you to provide more unique input. To edit
the file john.txt from one of the adjacent directories
vi ../def/j
Press esc and backslash and it will fill in as much as it can
and then wait for you to indicate whether you want john.txt
or john.ltr:
vi ../def/john.
The sequence that does this for emacs and gmacs is esc
followed by a second esc.
There is much more to command line editing and history, but I
have found that just these few tips greatly speed up my work,
and I hope they do the same for you.
If you like the idea of history, ask your system
administrator to change your shell to a Korn shell, and then be
sure to add set -o vi , emacs or gmacs
into your .profile file.
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